D Lakshmi
A human has to understand the proper functioning of his/her body, cause for diseases and its remedy.This web site will be your best doctor without much expenses. This site aims to bring awareness about health, mind and soul. The contents provided here are authenticated information taken from Vedic and Traditional methods donated by great Siddha's.Kindly refer "For Long Life Article" and "Contact Me" page without fail. "Stay Tuned for more"
Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, blessing money can't buy.
April 26, 2013
How Digestive System Works ?
D Lakshmi
April 22, 2013
Happy Earth Day 2013
Mother Earth - You quench our thrust
Mother Earth - You quench our hungry
Mother Earth - You give your lap to sleep
Mother Earth - You protect us through shelters
Mother Earth - You full fill everyone's greed and desire
Mother Earth - You are highly binding you with us with your gravitational force
Mother Earth - You shower your compassion and love on every being Mother Earth - You play a vital role in producing oxygen for our breath
Mother Earth - You make colorful to our eyes by nourishing plants and flowers
Miracle what you do in our life is countless ......
Mother Earth -Tears are rolling on my eyes .....
As a children we all give you back only the dirt and pollution ...
What a strange !!!!
Please forgive all and take care of us
Shower your kind,warmth of love, care, affection, protection to everyone of us
Your Beloved,
April 21, 2013
Use Your Cell Phones Wisely and Effectively !!!
Mobile Phone Causes Cancer
Its time for me to have a glance of various issues related to the cell phone, its uses but more than that its health issues. Primarily I would like to mention that nowdays people speak for hours and hours in cell phone and the more they speak they get addicted but has anyone thought about the after effects of the cell phone, imagine how much money you are losing, for certain individuals people is not a matter but what about your health. If you think you are using the cell phone beyond the limits its high time you got to read this article. Please give inputs and your valuable suggestions and opinions. I would like to raise a polling on the number of hours people use cell phones. Please rate it accordingly.
Coming to the discussion of the uses and health issues mobile phones has a heavy transmission of radio frequency energy in the form electromagnetic radiation that are being absorbed by nearby tissues i.e where the phone is being kept into contact Eg: if kept near the chest or inside your pockets, the nearby areas of chest gets affected by various radiations.
April 18, 2013
Divine Solution offered by Lord Bairavar for all ailments
Remedies offered by Lord Bhairava
Thank: astrological science
April 16, 2013
Dear Viewers, Nowadays its been very hot in various parts of the country, it would be good if I could share my views and opinions on various eatables to be avoided during the summer and even junk & fast foods, aerated drinks etc.. I would like to specifically mention about the pros and cons of various food items as shall start with the food items which you have to avoid and finally about the top eatables for this summer.
April 13, 2013
- Read a story to your child and ask him questions related to it. This will help sharpen his memory too.
- When you study anything, we can see through various dimensions i.e Brains, Eyes, Ears, etc… Close your eyes and read or write in your mind by concentrating 100% , he/she never forgets.
- Ask your child about his day. This way, he will make an attempt to recall the events and actions of his day and this in turn will help improve his memory and concentration.
- Count numbers or their multiples and skip one or two in between. Ask your child to find the missing number.
- Strange as it sounds, tongue twisters also help improve concentration. Your child has to listen with great attention to decipher the tongue twister you say. This will teach him to concentrate.
- Lack of concentration is not a problem that is impossible to solve. These few tips should help you assist your child to overcome the problem of low concentration levels and sharpen his memory and learning skills.
- Nowadays mobile phones are getting misused instead of that when they study let them record it and keep handy when they want, they can easily take and use it I.e Playback the audio clip etc….
10 Tips for Managing Diabetes: A Guide to Better Health
Maintain a balanced diet with limited sugar and carbohydrates. Exercise regularly to manage weight and regulate insulin levels. Monitor bl...
Miraculous!!! One herbal medicine relieves so many health related issues. Here is the simple and powerful solution for the following ailm...
Mobile Phone Causes Cancer Dear Readers , Its time for me to have a glance of various issues related to the cell phone, its uses bu...
Interesting facts about Eyes !!! Eyes are organs that detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons. The simpl...