Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, blessing money can't buy.

May 23, 2016

You must watch - Dr. BM Hegde Speech

Belle Monappa Hegde otherwise named as Dr. BM Hegde is a doctor, scientist, educationalist and author. He is a highly reputed person and he served as a surgeon for several decades.

Once he started realising the truth of alternative therapy and body mechanisms he supports for nature cure solutions.

Most of our earnings goes to medication often. Once if we understand his saying you can save plenty of money.

Listening to such a reputed person's words definitely will give much more clarity about our body functioning.

Watch Speech Videos of this doctor. Very intellectual talk given about body and its healing power. Type BM Hegde in youtube. You will get lot many videos related to his speech.

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