Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, blessing money can't buy.

December 12, 2016

Vata, Pitta and Khapa and its nature

Both Pitta and Kapha are oily, and Vata is dry, so dryness is characteristic of Vata. Dryness appears in the body or mind only when there is increase of Vata.

Dryness is a side effect of motion, which is Vata's physiological function. The unevenness of excessive dryness introduces irregularity into the body and mind.

Both Vata and Kapha are cold, and pitta is hot, so heat is characteristic of Pitta. heat appears in the body or mind only when there is disturbance of Pitta.

Heat is a side-effect of transformation, which is Pitta's physiological function. The intensity of excessive heat introduces irritability into the body and mind.

Both Vata and Pitta are light, and Kapha is heavy, so heaviness is characteristic of Kapha. Heaviness appears in the body or mind only when there is disturbance of kappa.

Heaviness is a side-effect of stability, which is Kapha's physiological function. The viscosity of excessive heaviness introduces slowness into the body and mind. 

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