is :
–the characteristic way of life
–inspired by fundamental values in which people live
–It is the sum total of the values
–expressed through art, religion, literature, social institutions
and behaviour
word for culture is “Sanskriti”.
–It means to purify, to transform, to sublimate, to mould and to perfect.
–Indians have described cultures as Human Culture
(Manava Dharma or Manava Sanskriti )
source for the universe, and infinite manifestations (ex. Energy)
•Ekam sat viprah bahudha vadanti
–Truth is one although its manifestations are many
principle of unity in diversity is the implicit law of nature, universe and
belonging to various
harmoniously co-exist in India.
styles of
architecture, sculpture, painting, music, dance, festivals and customs have
developed here.
wide variety has made
the Indian culture rich and beautiful
a poster representing “Unity in Diversity”
Cultural heritage is
an “expression of the ways of living” developed by a
community and passed on from generation to generation.
has not been able to trace its beginning of Indian Culture
–Culture traces are found from atleast 15000 BC
–Civilization traces are found from atleast 8000 BC
–History of Indian culture is through the book VEDAS, so
some call it as vedic culture
–As it traces from river Indus (Sindhu Nadhi),
some also call
it Indus
Culture or Hindu