Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, blessing money can't buy.

June 25, 2013

Very useful tips to cure obeseity

Why do we see people around us to be obese ? What is wrong with them. Are they not taking care of health properly ??? Now lets try to find a solution for this ! Please do read the below article..........
Its very simple to follow the following  tips as it works powerfully.  You don`t need to stop consuming oily items and your favorite items but try to follow the below said healthy tips strictly ...............
Avoid Obesity

1. Add green leaves and fresh nuts as much as possible .
2. Stop eating two hours before your bed time.
3. Chew the food to the finer particles
4 .Dont consume pizza, Burger , aerated drinks etc.......
5. Try to drink Mojito Blasto.... best drink for summer. (Mint Leaves)

We shall also provide you the recipe for MOJITO BLASTO....

Human Intelligence

Human Intelligence level can reach up-to 10 levels.

There are 10 levels of intelligence needs to reach godliness.
1. The first level of intelligence would be sensed through skin  in the form of Touch
2. The second level of intelligence would be sensed through ear in the form of Sound
3. The third level of intelligence would be sensed through eyes in the form of Vision
4. The fourth level of intelligence would be sensed through ear in the form of Smell
5. The fifth level of intelligence would be sensed through mouth in the form of Taste
6. The sixth level of intelligence would be deep Thinking and analysis
7. The seventh level of intelligence would be the art of Writing
8. The eighth level of intelligence would be cognition/Self inquiry/Knowledge
9. The ninth level of intelligence would be Quantum Intelligence.
Doctors should posses this intelligence to cure for the disease. The person who possess the strong quantum intelligence will twinkle like a star in their respective domain.
10. The ten level of intelligence will helps to understand about godliness.

June 7, 2013

Body Massage, Facial and Skin Treatment now available @ Bangalore

Mr. Karunakarn is an M.S.W.,DTTM., graduate worked as an counselor for the past 10 years in various organization and he had given the best results in recovering more than 500 members from the habit of alcohol consumption and  chain smoking. 
In addition to this the credit point of his approach is  multi valued like holistic, medicative, counselling.
He is also an alternative therapist and herbal oil based body mes-sewer(massager).  

Any one is interested for further guidance can contact him:  
Ph: +91-9019023581

During the first half of the 20th century modern medicine and allopathy has made a tremendous progress in curing and controlling many chronic and acute diseases all over the globe.
Today some of those diseases namely malaria, plague and small pox believed to have been eradicated is reemerging with increased intensity.

At the same time certain new and more deadly disease are also emerging. Speedy economic growth and consequent Urbanization are inflicting another set of stress, environment and behavior-related disease. And, even, age-old ailments such as diabetes, infertility, impotency do not have complete cure from allopathy treatment. So, modern medicine is in the crossroads, today and is unable to answer for all these diverse range of human ailments while the world is entering the next millennium with a rapidly changing socio-economic system.

 Through out the world at this juncture, men / women are turning towards alternative systems of medicine, particularly "Unani medicine" in search of answers to their sufferings.

According to Hashmi Herbal, a prominent, Unani pharmacy and research center 'Unani' stand apart from other alternative medical systems, because of its enlargement, way of approach and the well-developed treatment methods.

 Today the whole world recognized Unani as a unique system of medicine. The Unani system of medicine owes as its name suggests its origin to Greece. It was the great Greek philosopher-physician Hippocrates (460-377 B.C) who freed medicine from the realm of superstition and magic, and gave it the status of science. The theoretical framework of Unani medicine is based on the teachings of Hippocrates. Thus Unani traveled from Greece, to Egypt, then to Spain from where it reached Baghdad. From Baghdad it came to Iran where it made tremendous progress and produced great physicians.

Click Here to Read More Simple Tip To Get Rid Of The Smoking Habit

The auspicious time to start an important occasion/Work/Business

Dear Viewers,

Here is the auspicious timing list(as per Indian time zone) for all the seven days to start our day to day important assignments/task/business like:
 Alliance process, deal for business, for prayer, to visit temple, to preach, to buy a gold, to buy a land, to take a loan, to settle a loan, to join into a job, getting admissions for children at school,college etc., to meet spiritual masters, to take theeksha, to give initiation, to deliver a spiritual speech, for chanting, applying for any proposals, stock investments, trading.
To get rid of the family issues like difference of opinion between our relatives-we can use this time to find a solution.

Monday morning 8.00 to 9.00
afternoon 3.00 to 4.00
night 10.00 to 11.00
Tuesday morning 5.00 to 6.00
afternoon 12.00 to 1.00
night 7.00 to 8.00

Wednesday morning 9.00 to 10.00
afternoon 4.00 to 5.00
night 11.00 to 12.00

Thursday morning 6.00 to 7.00
afternoon 1.00 to 2.00
night 8.00 to 9.00
Friday morning 10.00 to 11.00
afternoon 10.30.00 to 12.00
evening 5.00 to 6.00
night 12.00 to 1.00
Saturday morning 7.00 to 8.00
afternoon 2.00 to 3.00
night 9.00 to 10.00
Sunday morning 11.00 to 12.00
afternoon 6.00 to 7.00
night 1.00 to 2.00
The above mentioned timing is best to get more success.

Here is the one more best web site for alternative therapy in detail

Alternative Therapy

Types of Treatments
1. Aroma Therapy
2. Music Therapy -- Kafi
Raga, Darbari Raga, Raga
Malkauns, Raga Asawari ,
Ahir Bhairav, Chandra Kauns
3. Pranic Healing
4. Allopathy
5. Homeopathy
6. Ayurveda
7. Siddha
8. Naturopathy
9. Acupuncture
10. Yunani Treatment
11. Magnetic Therapy
12. Electro Signal Therapy
13. Yoga and Meditation
14. Anatomic Therapy
15. Vedic Therapy
16. Mantra Therapy
17. Homa Therapy
18. Psycho-Physical Therapy
19. Acu Touch
20. Acu Pressure
21. Varma
22. Massage Therapy
23. Metal Ash Therapy
24. Praanayamam
25. Mudras etc.,

Dear Viewers,
Keep visiting for most useful tips.

Click Here to Read More 
Alternative Medicines

June 4, 2013

Six Giants Which Activates a Human Body

We all know that there are five elements
[Soil, air, space, fire, water (five) ] operates our body. One of the very few people knew about the existence of the sixth element.Air magnetic particles is the sixth element. 
 This sixth element is consumed only by plants.
These six elements are destroyed from our body due to our food habits and abnormal activities/excess/lack of activities towards work, emotion, sex etc.

Eating too much, eating meat, improper habits leads to  unequal proportion of these five elements which invents diseases in human body.

Wind Energy - Sweat 

 Soil strength - Faeces 
 Water power - Urination
Air power - accumulated waste material in an eyes. 
Fire power - cold and mucus
space Magnetic Particles - the gas release

Plant does not have faeces. So plants are equal to godliness.

Vegetarian food  definitely takes us towards godliness

10 Tips for Managing Diabetes: A Guide to Better Health

  Maintain a balanced diet with limited sugar and carbohydrates. Exercise regularly to manage weight and regulate insulin levels. Monitor bl...