Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, blessing money can't buy.

September 21, 2011

Merits Of Vegetarian Food

Merits Of Vegetarian Food
Every Plant has one sense but it provides food, cloth and shelter to all the higher sense beings. Plants are the only living being have got a connection with space and earth. It consumes its own food energy from space as well an earth. From space it take photons in the form of light as well magnetic forces. Whereas from earth it takes lot of valuable minerals,Nobel liquids,metals, mercury. 
Earth is a composition of several entities. From the layer of Mental core, earth emits lot of precious gases and various metals. These metals can not even taken out by our modern scientific methods. But it is surprised and miraculous, plants sucks these all and convert it into various form of flowers, nuts, vegetable, roots, stems and leaves.

Now the question starts...
Why we should eat non vegetarian food???Is it required??
First of all human digestion system not meant to digest and absorb non vegetarian food particles.
Second thing, When an animal is cut into pieces it emits lot of hormones connected with fear, anger and pain. These all will be deposited into the flesh. Is it required to chew and eat these toxins. When we are hurted by any one how do we react? But why not we extend the same empathy and sympathy towards animals.

If we keep hurting animal beings in the same way surely human kind will be punished by the nature.

To understand this let me narrate a story about dianoser.
As we all know this was the biggest and cruel animal lived long back on the earth. But now a days there is no such spices. The reason behind is nature have decided to stop these spices on to the earth, because of its cruel nature. The same may happen to human kind also. Lets safe guard the living cycle and planet earth.


  1. This article I liked the most.
    You are saying veg food and also educating and encouraging not to kill animal.
    You say "Live and Let Live" that is so good which missing in today's generation.
    Today's they feel bad if they hurt anyone.
    So today's new generation can learn for this message

  2. Really a great post...I liked it a lot!!! Say no to Non Veg and let the life cycle Doesn't gets affected!!!


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