Organ Functioning
3.01 A.M –
5.00 A.M
Lungs – Suitable time for
Pranayama, Yoga and Meditation. By
doing yogic practices during this time may be exaggerated. [Note: During
this time Asthma patients normally suffer a lot]
5.01 A.M –
7.00 A.M
Large Intestine - those who suffer from constipation should try and move to toilet facility. This apply over a amount of your time can cure the constipation disorders.
During this time life energy or
vital energy in the body will be more.
7.01 A.M –
9.00 A.M
Stomach – Morning breakfast has to
be finished during this time for the better digestion.
9.01 A.M – 11.00 A.M
Spleen – During this time the
breakfast/food will be converted into
nutrients and blood. So nothing has to be eaten during this time better to
avoid even a sip of water. Otherwise the process of food synthesis will get
affected. [Note: During
this time Diabetic patients normally suffer a lot]
11.01 A.M – 1.00 P.M
Heart – During this avoid talking,
being in anger mood, shouting, fighting, tension and anxiety etc. [Note: During this time Diabetic
patients should be very careful]
1.01 P.M – 3.00 P.M
Small Intestine – Have delicate lunch and be within the rest.
3.01 P.M – 5.00 P.M
Bladder - Best time for voiding.
5.01 P.M –7.00 P.M
Kidney – Best time for yoga,
meditation. Prayer and pranayama. Best
time for planning your future.
7.01 P.M – 9.00 P.M
Pericardium (Heart Shock Absorber) – Best time for
9.01 P.M – 11.00 P.M
Triple Warmer – Passage to connect
head to lower abdomen. Best time for
bed time.
11.00 P.M – 1.00 A.M
Gall Gallbladder- everybody ought to be in deep sleep.
1.01 A.M – 3.00 A.M
Liver – everybody ought to be in deep sleep. Liver cleanses the whole blood stream.
A human has to understand the proper functioning of his/her body, cause for diseases and its remedy.This web site will be your best doctor without much expenses. This site aims to bring awareness about health, mind and soul. The contents provided here are authenticated information taken from Vedic and Traditional methods donated by great Siddha's.Kindly refer "For Long Life Article" and "Contact Me" page without fail. "Stay Tuned for more"
Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, blessing money can't buy.
June 6, 2016
Major Organ and its Bio Clock
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